Norfolk Hoopstars Foundation Application Form

The Norfolk Hoopstars Foundation is committed to offering assistance and opportunities to individuals encountering financial or social hurdles. Our mission is to extend support to those facing economic hardships, including individuals with low income, those qualifying for pupil premium, and those eligible for free school meals. Moreover, we aim to provide aid to vulnerable groups such as children in care, asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals in need of mental health support. By ensuring that everyone, irrespective of their circumstances, can access the empowering influence of basketball, we endeavor to foster an inclusive and nurturing community where all individuals can flourish. Through our range of programs and initiatives, we aspire to create a space where individuals receive the assistance and encouragement needed to thrive.

Thank you for submitting your application – we will review this and be in touch with you directly.  Please note that by submitting this application does not guarantee you support from the Foundation.  We will review each application on a case-by-case basis.