Hoopstars Women Sign Up Form Every Sunday - 17.00-18.30City Academy Norwich Player's Name * First Name Last Name Player's Age * Player Contact Number * Player Contact Email Address * Does the player have allergies, health conditions or additional needs which the coaches need to be aware of? * Emergency Contact Name * Emergency Phone Number * (###) ### #### Emergency Contact Relationship to Player * Have you played basketball previously – if so to what level and who for? Are you wanting to play competitively in our adults teams or just in training for fun? Competitively Just in training for fun Both Other Photograph Consent * Yes, the player can have photographs taken No, the player is not able to have photographs taken First Aid Consent * Yes, the player can have first aid treatment given by a qualified first aider at a Hoopstars session No, the player isn't allowed to have first aid treatment at a Hoopstars session How did you hear about us? * Thank you!