All Girls SessionLocation: City Academy, 299 Bluebell Road,Norwich NR4 7LP. Saturdays:11am to 12pm- Year 1 - Year 612pm to 1pm- Year 7 - Year 13 Player's name * First Name Last Name Player's age * Player's Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Player's school * Player's current school year * Does the player have allergies, health conditions or additional needs which the coaches need to be aware of? * Emergency contact name * Emergency contact number * Contact email * Photograph consent * Yes, the player can have photographs taken No, the player is not able to have photographs taken First Aid consent * Yes, the player can have first aid treatment given by a qualified first aider at a Hoopstars session No, the player isn't allowed to have first aid treatment at a Hoopstars session We have been awarded funding to support asylum seekers and refugees to participate in basketball. If you would like to receive financial support in the form of a free space for you or your child, please confirm your immigration status below: * Asylum Seeker Refugee No Applicable How did you hear about us? * Thank you!You will be contacted shortly from a member of the Hoopstars team.