Half term Camp: Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th February - Years 1 to 6 Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th February - Years 7 - 13. We still have limited spaces available on Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like to book on a last minute space please complete the form here. NYBL - Saturday 18th February - U11s, U13s, U15s. Team selections will be confirmed by 5pm on Monday 13th February. If your child has been selected to play you will receive an email. The format of the U18s tournament has changed and an email will be sent to all players in this age group by the end of Tuesday. UEA Panthers Men Team - Saturday 18th February - home (Sportspark) vs Northants Titans @ 6.20pm Hoopstars Women - Sunday 19th February - away (Sportspark) vs UEA @ 1.20pm We would absolutely love support, so if you fancy coming to watch Amy, Claire, Mia, and our teammates, please do so. We promise to try to impress you!